Course Presentation

The Program tries to transmit a solid formation to its students, which is necessary for a continuous and permanent professional and academic development. For this purpose, it renders a learning and research orientation that emphasizes the analytical and quantitative study of productive systems. Along the studies, the student acquires a solid base in microeconomics, statistic methods, mathematic modeling and computer utilization, and also develops the initial habilitation to use them in the analysis and project of productive systems. According to the specialization line, an operational understanding of organization theories, of fundamental aspects of productive systems, of production technology evolution, of capital market mechanisms and the necessary economic criteria to fundament financial decisions or of transport and logistic systems is also required.

The research looks for an academic excellence line in the investigation of problems, which are relevant for the technical management development of Brazilian companies. The involvement of students with the research, as well as the collaboration of companies in this activity is considered not only as a formation demand and of the research pragmatic quality, but also the most important updated and adapted knowledge divulgation vehicle, be it original or acquired from other sources.


The Industrial Engineering Department of the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro (DEI/PUC/Rio) started its activities in 1967, with the creation of the first Master Degree Program in Production Engineering of Brazil. In 1993, the DEI/PUC/Rio implemented its Production Engineering Doctorate Program, which was immediately recommended by CAPES. In 2001, attending the increasing demand for professionals with technical formation to act in the logistic management, the DEI/PUC/Rio created the Professional Master Degree in Logistic. In the last evaluation, the Area Committee (ENGINEERING III) and the Scientific Technical Council of CAPES rendered the grade 7 (seven) to the Academic Master and Doctorate Programs, and they were placed among the three best of the country and the first in the southeast region.


Through the Central Coordination for International Cooperation (CCCI), PUC-Rio has a support program to welcome foreign students and researchers. More information at:


The Graduate Program starts in March of each year, and the inscription period is specified under PUC-Rio’s website. Exceptionally, in the graduate, the Department considers the inscription requests for AUGUST concerning the students that left their habilitation in Production Engineering. The inscription period for these students takes place in the first semester and is specified under PUC-Rio’s website. The admission in the second semester is only possible in exceptional cases, which underlie the criterion of the Graduate and Research Commission. In these cases, the candidate should present a proficiency evidence for the subjects treated in the first semester disciplines. For the Doctorate, the number of offered vacations depends on the availability of advisors and the admission is biannual.


The inscription process is totally electronic. From the second semester of 2015 onwards, the DEI shall not receive any more printed documents and/or sent via Mail. For all the demanded documentation, the upload should be made directly from

Only inscription requests that present the complete documentation shall be examined.

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