The Master’s Program in Logistics at PUC-Rio (MPL) has the mission of “Training highly qualified masters in the area of Logistics, capable of generating innovative technological products and research of high impact and relevance to meet the demands of society and companies. ”The vision of the program is to “Be recognized as an excellent postgraduate program in Logistics that trains socially responsible individuals and organizations and leaders in the development of innovative technological products.” Implemented by the Department of Industrial Engineering (DEI), the MPL has a single area of concentration, Transport and Logistics Systems, with two lines of research within Production Engineering, a basic and traditional area of Engineering III at CAPES:
“Transportation and Logistics Systems Planning”;
“Programming and control of Transport and Logistics Systems”.
Click here and see the registration notice for the master’s program in logistics.
The Postgraduate Program in Professional Master’s in Logistics (MPL) at DEI/PUC-Rio aims to provide high-level training in logistics, training its students in the basic concepts of logistics and supply chain management, both in methods qualitative and quantitative, as an instrument for planning and designing, operationalizing and controlling logistics systems, aiming to train human resources with the ability to propose and apply new methodologies and innovations in the area of Logistics and supply chain.
The Program is based on the following premises:
a) the training of qualified human resources capable of promoting innovations in the productive sector, presupposing the development of perception, analysis and creation skills;
b) the academic excellence of research in Production Engineering, which requires comprehensive consideration of the reality of the system to which it refers;
c) carrying out research in close contact with the productive sector, seeking to contribute positively to society as a whole.
These reasons lead the program to stimulate research in direct collaboration with public and private productive organizations in Brazil and abroad, its partners in research and extension projects, allowing academic investigation to cover a wide spectrum of problems, which includes identification of new problems and opportunities for improvement, the application of innovative techniques, the development of new solutions and the evaluation of results. The projects count on the collaboration of professors and students from several universities and research institutions in Brazil and abroad.
The Professional Master’s in Logistics was created in 2001, meeting a growing demand for professionals with technical training to work in logistics management, having trained more than 300 masters since its creation. The subject syllabi and programs undergo constant updates, including the use of industry 4.0 technologies, such as cloud computing, internet of things, blockchain and artificial intelligence, which constitute the basis of Logistics 4.0.
Financial support
Due to the self-financing nature of the Professional Master’s in Logistics and Supply Chain, there is no financial viability for granting scholarships. Students must pay semester fees. Some companies and government institutions have agreements with PUC-Rio covering the payment of their employees’ semi-annual payments.
Hours and Investment
07/06/2024 to 12/16/2024 (2nd Period)
Thursdays and Fridays, from 7pm to 10pm and Saturdays from 9am to 12pm.
Registration in Progress
Location: Rua Marquês de São Vicente, 225 – Gávea – Rio de Janeiro – RJ
Admission: See the course admission procedure at the following link: Admission Notice.
Rate: Free
The selection will be carried out through analysis of documents and interview.
1st selection with result from 06/30/24
2nd selection with result from 07/20/24
Final result as of: 07/31/2024
Registration until 07/31/2024
The course can be paid in 24 installments of R$3,549.00, the first being upon registration and the remainder in the subsequent month(s). This value refers to the last class offered, therefore it is subject to adjustment.
For registrations made in advance until 06/30/24, the course will cost 24 installments of R$3,194.10, 10% discount.
For registrations made in advance until 07/20/24, the course will cost 24 installments of R$3,371.55, a 5% discount.
For registrations made from 07/21/24, the course will cost 24 installments of R$3,549.00, without discount.
Areas of concentration: Transport and Logistics System.
Lines of research: Planning of Transport and Logistics Systems and Programming and Control of Transport and Logistics Systems.
Course recognition, professional master’s degree
Evaluated by CAPES with concept 4, and recognized by the approval of CNE/CES opinion nº 487/2018, through MEC Ordinance nº 609 of 03/14/2019 published in the D.O.U. nº 52 of 03/18/2019, p. 50.
Titles awarded:
Master in Logistics The CSE-CNE (National Education Council) opinion of 03/12/02 states that the professional master’s degree guarantees “the same rights, in terms of academic career, as those enjoyed by holders of so-called academic master’s degrees, or scientific”.
Requirements for obtaining a master’s degree
1 -Satisfactorily complete the individual study plan, prepared together with the supervising professor and approved by the Postgraduate Committee, in accordance with current regulations;
2 -Complete a minimum of 24 credits in Postgraduate courses, subject to the following restrictions:
1 – Obtain a performance of no less than 7 in this set of subjects;
2 – Do not obtain a performance lower than 6 (fail) in the same subject more than once
3 – Pass a foreign language exam – English;
4 – Write a scientific article, to be submitted to a magazine or event on a topic related to the dissertation;
5 – Present, defend and have your Master’s Thesis approved.
Admission and registration
The Postgraduate Program begins in March of each year and the registration period is specified on the PUC-Rio website. Exceptionally, the Department considers applications for starting the master’s degree in August. The registration period for these cases is specified on the PUC-Rio website.
Procedures and documentation required for registration:
1- Two reference letters
In the online form, the candidate will indicate the names and emails of two contacts and the system will send them a link, asking them to fill out a reference letter online. Manually completed letters will not be accepted.
2 – Curriculum vitae
(generate full version in PDF);
3 – Undergraduate Academic Transcript
4 – Diploma or certificate of graduation completion
5 – Candidates with an employment relationship
Letter from the employer, supporting the study plan and authorization to comply with the course’s minimum workload of 18 hours per week OR a personal letter from the candidate in the documentation stating that they are aware of and committed to complying with the study plan and a minimum workload of 18 hours per week.
1 – Digital copy (in PDF) of works of academic relevance
The system allows these documents to be uploaded in the “Other Documents” item. Graduation course completion work, articles published in journals or scientific events, or Scientific Initiation reports can be attached.
2 – Other certificates of completion
MBA certificates, Specialization, among others
Other documents
The system allows these documents to be uploaded in the “Other Documents” item.
Curriculum Grid
Master’s degree
Mandatory Disciplines (Guidance and Supervision):
These disciplines seek to support and monitor the master’s student’s progress during the course. This list of subjects is based on the adaptation of existing subjects and the creation of new subjects that will serve as additional milestones in the student’s course.
Code | Subjects |
IND2508 | Transport Systems |
IND2515 | Probabilistic methods: Probability, statistics and prediction models |
IND2516 | Business Logistics and Case Studies |
IND2517 | Quantitative Methods: Mathematical Programming and Heuristics |
IND2518 | Physical Distribution and logistical costs |
IND2519 | Logistics Operations and Games Management |
IND2520 | Simulation |
IND2521 | Supply chain strategies |
IND2522 | Corporate finance |
IND2523 | Information Technology in Supply Chain |
IND2525 | Scientific Production in the Master’s Degree |
IND2599 | Final work |
IND2615 | Humanitarian Logistics (optional) |
Faculty Postgraduate coordinator: Prof. Antônio Márcio Tavares Thomé
Assistant postgraduate coordinator: Prof. Rodrigo Goyanes Gusmão Caiado
Teachers: Titles and Lines of research.
Adriana Leiras
PhD, PUC-Rio – Brazil
Management of humanitarian operations and humanitarian logistics
Curriculum lattes
Antonio Márcio Tavares Thomé
Doctor, PUC-Rio, Brazil
Integration of supply chains, operations management and sustainability
Curriculum lattes
Carlos Bastian Pinto
Doctor, PUC-Rio, Brazil
Corporate finance
Curriculum lattes
Fernando Luiz Cyrino Oliveira
Doctor, PUC-Rio, Brazil
Time Series and Analytics
Curriculum lattes
Igor Tona Peres
Doctor, PUC-Rio, Brazil
Statistical Methods and Analytics
Operations Management
Curriculum lattes
Leila Figueiredo Dantas
PhD, PUC-Rio, Brazil
Information systems in the supply chain
Curriculum lattes
Lincon Wolf de Almeida Neves
Doctor, PUC-Rio, Brazil
Purchasing, supply chain strategy
Curriculum lattes
Luciana de Souza Pessôa
PhD, UFF, Brazil
Combinatorial optimization; Heuristics and Metaheuristics
Curriculum lattes
Luiz Felipe Roris Rodriguez Scavarda do Carmo
Doctor, PUC-RIO, Brazil
Supply chain integration and operations management
Curriculum lattes
Marcelo Seeling
Doctor, PUC-RIO, Brazil
Supply chain integration and operations management
Curriculum lattes
Paula Medina Maçaira Louro
PhD, PUC-Rio, Brazil
Statistical Learning and Time Series
Curriculum lattes
Rafael Martinelli Pinto
Doctor, PUC-Rio, Brazil
Mathematical Programming, Operations Research, Combinatorial Optimization
Curriculum lattes
Rodrigo Goyannes Gusmão Caiado
Doctor, UFF, Brazil
Digital transformation and sustainability in operations and supply chain management, Multi-criteria decision support and computational intelligence
Curriculum lattes
Registration can be done in any of the following ways:
1 – Online: Sign up here.
Tel: +55 (21) 3527-1286 / 3736-1286.
To make requests to the Department of Industrial Engineering, access PUC-Rio customer service here.
Access can also be done using our QR CODE below: