Deadline for 2024.2: 18/06/2024 (deadline subject to change)
Extended deadline registration for 2024.2: until June 25th
Click here to access the call.
Click here to access the candidate guide.
The registration process is online. The department does not receive physical documents and/or sent via e-mail. All required documentation should be sent directly from http://www.ccpa.puc-rio.br/inscricao_pos/processo.lua
Only the registration requests with complete documentation and pre-approved by one of the professors of the Industrial Engineering Department’s Main Board shall be examined.
- Two reference letters. On the online form, indicate two names with corresponding e-mails, and the system will send a link to them asking the online fulfillment. Manually fulfilled letters will not be accepted.
- Curriculum vitae, preferably from the Lattes platform (please generate a complete version in PDF)
- Study Plan. Please fill the form Please fill the form in, save it as a PDF file and upload it. In this form, the candidate shall inform the concentration area and research line he is interested in, and his motivation for these choices. The disciplines to be attended should also be defined together with the student’s potential advisor.
- Research Plan: form available under Doctorate acceptance form. The preliminary research proposal should be signed by the candidate’s potential advisor. Fill the available form in, save it as a PDF file and upload it through the system.
- Undergraduate School Records;
- Masters Degree School Records.
- Undergraduate diploma (or conclusion certificate).
- Masters Degree diploma (or conclusion certificate).
- Scholarship request form (when pertinent). Fill in the Scholarship request form in, save it as a PDF file and upload it to the system.
- Digital copies (in PDF) of works with academic relevance, including undergraduate course Conclusion works or papers published in scientific journals or events.
- Other conclusion certificates (MBA, specialization, among others)
- Other documents.
To be accepted to the Doctorate course, the candidate should initially identify a research field and a potential advisor among the department’s faculty main board. Working inline with this potential advisor, he should formalize his Preliminary Research Proposal (document with around 10 standard pages), indicating the objectives and methodology to be utilized in the research, its feasibility, relevance and originality. Coherent to the issue, a study program should be defined with a set of disciplines, covering at least 18 credits required in the PhD course.
Besides the general regulatory requirements, the Department also demands from the candidates to have a Master Degree in: Production Engineering, Transports, Mathematic, Informatics, Systems, Computer Sciences or similar courses, recognized as such by DEI’s Graduate Commission. At the sole discretion of the Graduate Commission, as well as based on the other instances foreseen under the regulatory provisions, this requirement might be dispensed for candidates who have demonstrated an evident capacity for a deep research inline with DEI’s interest.
The candidate should be accepted by a professor of the Doctorate course (a potential advisor), based on a preliminary research proposal, within a course concentration area and a study program consistent with the research issue.
The candidate should be accepted by the Graduate Commission, based on the School records, on the curriculum vitae, on the presentation of two professors, on the Preliminary Research Proposal and on the study program mentioned above. The interviews with DEI’s professors can also be requested by the graduate Commission. The subscription yearly period is specified in the University academic calendar. For the Masters and Doctorate courses, the admission might be in March or in August.
Obtain at least 42 credits in Graduate disciplines. In this number might be included up to 25 credits corresponding to the Master Degree title through the acceptance of the Post-Graduation Commission. The 42 credits should be distributed as follows:
- In Graduate disciplines of the DEI, CTC, PUC or of other credentialed graduate programs, chosen at the orienting professor’s criterion, as per the study program approved by DEI’s Graduate Commission, including a maximum of 3 credits of the Individual Study disciplines, and which might not be accounted for the Lecturing Stage credit subscription.
At the Graduate Commission criterion, the candidate might be exempted to attend disciplines, obtaining corresponding credits, after substantiating its knowledge via a written test.
Be approved in the Qualifying Exam (IND 3004). This exam envisages to evaluate the candidate’s capacity to perform an original and relevant research in the Doctorate concentration area, and shall be based on an article elaborated by the student on a topic related to his thesis research, and to its presentation before an examining board. The presentation shall have a public character.
Be approved in the Thesis Proposal Exam (IND 3007). This exam envisages to verify the research validity as a thesis topic, in terms of relevance, and not triviality, originality and contribution for the knowledge frontier expansion, the candidate’s capacity to conduct the proposed research, and the research performance feasibility.
Be approved in a foreign language exam, (LET 3106), English for the Doctorate.
Present, defend and have a Doctorate Thesis (IND 3001) duly approved. The Defense shall be conditioned to the submission of an article to an internationally qualified journal, and to have another article published in or accepted by a qualified journal (national or international), both on the Doctorate research topic.