Academic Master Degree


Registration deadline for 2025.1: november 10th, 2024 (deadline subject to change)

Click here to access the call.


  1. Choose the concentration area in which you will do your research: (Operations and Business Engineering) or (Operations Research)
  2. Check and gather all the required documents listed on this page
  3. Submit your application through this link:
    (Note that the application process is totally electronic. All required documents should be uploaded to the application website)


  1. Two Reference Letters
    On the application website, the candidate shall indicate two contacts (with respective names and e-mails), who will be automatically asked by the system to follow a given link and fill in a reference form online. Reference letters in any other format will not be accepted.
  2. Curriculum Vitae (preferably Curriculum Lattes)
    Create a CV in the Lattes platform and generate a complete version in PDF format;
  3. Study Plan
    Fill in this form, and export it as a PDF file. In this form, the candidate shall choose a concentration area and specific research line (from the ones listed in the graduate program website) he/she is interested in, together with a motivation statement justifying these choices;
  4. Under-graduation school records
  5. Diploma (or under-graduation conclusion certificate)

Additional (optional) documents (to be also uploaded to the application website)

  1. Scholarship request form (if applicable)
    Fill in the scholarship request form, export it as a PDF file.
  2. Digital (PDF) copy of academically relevant works from the candidate
    These may include papers published in scientific journals or conferences, a report from a research project in which the candidate has participated, or the report from the candidate under-graduation conclusion project. All files should be uploaded to the application website, under “Other Documents”.
  3. Other conclusion certificates
    These may include certificates from MBA, specialization courses, among others.
  4. Other documents
    Other documents that the candidate considers relevant for the application. They should be uploaded in the application website, under “Other Documents”.


  1. Conclude the individual study plan satisfactorily, which should be elaborated in conjunction with the student advisor and approved by the Post-Graduation Commission, in accordance with the rules in force
  2. Complete at least 26 credits in Graduate courses, subject to the following restrictions:
    • At the Graduate Commission criterion, the candidate might be exempted from attending the disciplines requested by the DEI Graduate Commission, without registering the corresponding credits after knowledge confirmation by means of a written test.
    • Achieve an average grade not lower than 7 considering all courses taken.
    • Be approved in the Dissertation Proposal Exam corresponding to the student concentration area. The student should present, defend and have its dissertation project duly approved.
  3. Be approved in a foreign language exam – English (LET 3101).
  4. Present, defend, and have your Masters Degree dissertation approved by the designated evaluation committee.

Click here for detailed instructions on how to apply for the Master degree course in Production Engineering @ PUC-Rio (in Portuguese)