Registration deadline for 2025.1: november 10th, 2024 (deadline subject to change)
Click here to access the call.
- Choose the concentration area in which you will do your research: (Operations and Business Engineering) or (Operations Research)
- Check and gather all the required documents listed on this page
- Submit your application through this link: http://www.ccpa.puc-rio.br/inscricao_pos/processo.lua
(Note that the application process is totally electronic. All required documents should be uploaded to the application website)
- Two Reference Letters
On the application website, the candidate shall indicate two contacts (with respective names and e-mails), who will be automatically asked by the system to follow a given link and fill in a reference form online. Reference letters in any other format will not be accepted. - Curriculum Vitae (preferably Curriculum Lattes)
Create a CV in the Lattes platform and generate a complete version in PDF format; - Study Plan
Fill in this form, and export it as a PDF file. In this form, the candidate shall choose a concentration area and specific research line (from the ones listed in the graduate program website) he/she is interested in, together with a motivation statement justifying these choices; - Under-graduation school records
- Diploma (or under-graduation conclusion certificate)
Additional (optional) documents (to be also uploaded to the application website)
- Scholarship request form (if applicable)
Fill in the scholarship request form, export it as a PDF file. - Digital (PDF) copy of academically relevant works from the candidate
These may include papers published in scientific journals or conferences, a report from a research project in which the candidate has participated, or the report from the candidate under-graduation conclusion project. All files should be uploaded to the application website, under “Other Documents”. - Other conclusion certificates
These may include certificates from MBA, specialization courses, among others. - Other documents
Other documents that the candidate considers relevant for the application. They should be uploaded in the application website, under “Other Documents”.
- Conclude the individual study plan satisfactorily, which should be elaborated in conjunction with the student advisor and approved by the Post-Graduation Commission, in accordance with the rules in force
- Complete at least 26 credits in Graduate courses, subject to the following restrictions:
- At the Graduate Commission criterion, the candidate might be exempted from attending the disciplines requested by the DEI Graduate Commission, without registering the corresponding credits after knowledge confirmation by means of a written test.
- Achieve an average grade not lower than 7 considering all courses taken.
- Be approved in the Dissertation Proposal Exam corresponding to the student concentration area. The student should present, defend and have its dissertation project duly approved.
- Be approved in a foreign language exam – English (LET 3101).
- Present, defend, and have your Masters Degree dissertation approved by the designated evaluation committee.