Rodrigo Caiado is a Professor on the Teaching and Research Board at the Department of Industrial Engineering. He is deputy coordinator of the Professional Master’s in Logistics (MPL) and member of the Operations and Business in Engineering concentration area, working in the Operations Management research line. His research interests focus on relevant topics such as: Lean 4.0 and Performance Measurement Systems; Risk and Maintenance Management; digital transformation and BIM; Circular economy, Waste management and Eco-efficiency.
Post-doctorate in Industrial Engineering from the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro – PUC-Rio (2020). He has a PhD in Production Engineering from Universidade Federal Fluminense – UFF (2021), PhD in Sustainable Management Systems from UFF (2018), Master in Civil Engineering from UFF (2015) and Graduate in Production Engineering from UFF (2012).
He is one of the co-founders and member of LabGOALS – Operations Management and Logistics Analysis for Sustainability laboratory, where he leads projects on digital transformation and sustainability in operations and supply chains. He is a collaborator and researcher in the GEDi group – Digital Engineering / BIM Group at Instituto Tecgraf (PUC-Rio), where he leads research in RD&I projects on multi-criteria decision support models in the Oil and Gas industry, and on the implementation of BIM in the Public sector. He is an associate and member of the Postgraduate GT of the Brazilian Association of Production Engineering-ABEPRO. He is also coordinator of the Local Committee of the annual meeting of the National Association of Postgraduate Programs and Research in Production Engineering – ANPEPRO (2024). He was a member of the organizing committee of the ANPEPRO event (2023) and a member of the organizing committee of the International Purchasing and Supply Education and Research Association-IPSERA (2024). He received a CNPq/EMBRAPII scholarship from the Talents for Innovation Program (2018), had a project selected by the FAPERJ Note 10 Postdoctoral Program (2019), and was awarded the Itaipu ABEPRO 2022 Prize for the best PhD thesis in Production Engineering (2022 ). He was guest editor of the Journal Sustainability (ISSN 2071-1050) and Journal Logistics (ISSN 2305-6290), and is associate editor of the Brazilian Journal of Operations Production Management (BJOPM). Author Top cited article (since 2021) from the International Journal of Production Economics (IJPE) in 2024. He is a Pq CNPq level 2 fellow and Young Scientist of Our State by FAPERJ.
Personal website: https://sites.google.com/view/rodrigocaiado