Rafael Martinelli has been a professor at the Teaching and Research Board of the Department of Industrial Engineering since 2016. His research interests are Combinatorial Optimization, Mathematical Programming, Heuristics, Metaheuristics, Algorithm Analysis and Computation Complexity, aligned with the “Combinatorial Optimization” projects and “Optimization under Uncertainty” from the “Algorithms and Optimization” research line, from the “Operational Research” concentration area, within the department’s academic postgraduate program in Production Engineering, and aligned with the “Programming of Logistics, Distribution and Transport Systems”, from the research line of “Programming and Control of Logistics Transport Systems”, from the “Logistics” concentration area of the department’s professional master’s program in Logistics. He currently has a PQ Level 2 productivity scholarship from CNPq since 2018 and a Young Scientist from FAPERJ since 2021. He is deputy coordinator of the academic postgraduate program in Production Engineering and infrastructure coordinator of the department. He co-founded and is co-coordinator of the FROG laboratory – Forecasting and Resource Optimization Group. He is a member of SOBRAPO – Brazilian Society of Operational Research, ABEPRO – Brazilian Association of Production Engineering, and ANPEPRO – National Association of Postgraduate Programs and Research in Production Engineering.
Research interests:
Combinatorial Optimization, Mathematical Programming, Heuristics, Metaheuristics, Algorithm Analysis and Computing Complexity.
Alignment with the department’s areas/lines/projects:
- Operations Research / Algorithms and Optimization / Combinatorial Optimization
- Operations Research / Algorithms and Optimization / Optimization under Uncertainty
Agency Grants:
- Young Scientist of Our State since 2021 (FAPERJ)
- CNPq Level 2 Productivity Scholarship since 2018 (CNPq)
Coordinations at PUC:
- Deputy Coordinator of the Academic Postgraduate Course in Production Engineering
- Department Infrastructure Coordinator
Coordination/Participation in laboratories:
- FROG – Forecasting and Resource Optimization Group
Participation in societies:
- SOBRAPO – Brazilian Society of Operational Research
- ABEPRO – Brazilian Association of Production Engineering