Dr. Bruno Fanzeres has a degree in Electrical Engineering and Industrial Engineering from the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro (PUC-Rio). He has an M.Sc. and Ph.D. in Operations Research also from PUC-Rio. He worked as a visiting P.hD. student at the Industrial & System Engineering Department, Georgia Institute of Technology (ISyE-GA Tech). Since 2018, Dr. Bruno Fanzeres has been a Professor on the main board of the Department of Industrial Engineering (DEI) at PUC-Rio.
His main area of research is Decision Theory under Uncertainty with applications to the planning, operations, and economics of energy production systems, all aligned with the Research Projects of the Postgraduate in Production Engineering from DEI/PUC-Rio (i) Optimization under Uncertainty of the Algorithms and Optimization research line , from the Operations Research concentration area, and (ii) Decision Analysis, from the Business Management research line, within the Operations and Business in Engineering concentration area.
Main fields of interest are: Power systems operations and economics, energy (electricity and gas) markets, derivative and insurance pricing, optimization under uncertainty (stochastic, robust, and distributionally robust optimization), modern multivariate statistics and data analysis, hierarchical optimization (multi-level optimization), game Theory.
He has a PQ Level 2 Productivity Scholarship from CNPq since 2022 and a Young Scientist of Rio de Janeiro scholarship from FAPERJ since 2019. He is currently the Coordinator of Development of the Department of Industrial Engineering at PUC-Rio. He works as a researcher at the laboratories LAMPS (Laboratory of Applied Mathematical Programming and Statistics) and FROG (Forecasting and Resource Optimization Group), both at DEI / PUC-Rio. He is a member of the Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences (INFORMS) and the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). He holds the position of Treasurer of the Rio de Janeiro Section of the IEEE, within Region 9 – Latin America.
Laboratory Lamps: http://www.lamps.ind.puc-rio.br/
Personal website: https://www.bruno.ind.puc-rio.br/