Defesa Doutorado [12/04/2024 – 9:00h] Prioritization and equity in decision-making models for vulnerability driven public policies

Bancas mar 4, 2024


Data: 12/04/2024, 9h

Sala Zoom:

Orientadores: Adriana Leiras | PUC-Rio & Douglas José Alem Junior |University of Edinburgh


Poverty, hunger and food insecurity, illiteracy and low education, poor housing conditions, and inadequate health care describe the living conditions of thousands of families worldwide. In a scenario of limited resources, a prerequisite for decision-making is to understand the vulnerabilities of the affected population so that it is possible to target and prioritize the most in-need areas/ households/people. Among the numerous prioritization criteria, equity has emerged as a key criterion often overlooked in many prioritization processes, conceptualized in terms of fairness in allocating and distributing benefits and burdens in society. This thesis proposes to incorporate prioritization and equity issues into decision-making models for orientated vulnerable populations’ public policies. We structure an approach that integrates means of measuring vulnerability as a way of prioritization (through developing prioritization indexes) and incorporating them into a decision-making model to optimize resource allocation and distribution effectively, efficiently, and especially equitably. To shed light on this problem, we study two real and complex cases applied in the endemic disease scenario and hunger food insecurity context.