Defesa Doutorado [03/04/2024 – 14:00h]  Disaster impacts on supply chains and countermeasures strategies

Bancas mar 4, 2024


Data: 03/04/2024, 14h

Sala Zoom:

Orientadores: Adriana Leiras | PUC-Rio &  Tharcisio Cotta Fontainha | UFRJ


The impact of disasters causes disruptions in supply chain’s (SCs) average flow and negatively affects operations’ performance. Therefore, companies need to implement effective strategies to minimise the impacts caused by these events. In this context, this thesis aims to contribute to developing prepared and responsive supply chains to deal with disaster impacts. This research is divided into three phases. First, this study brings bibliometric analyses with an overview of the main characteristics of publications on the topic through the descriptive analysis of a systematic literature review. The second phase deepens the analyses of the systematic literature review through content analysis to identify and report the significant impacts of disasters on SCs and countermeasure strategies to mitigate the adverse effects on SCs. In the second phase, we deliver a taxonomy, a research agenda, and a framework. Finally, the third phase proposes a survey to evaluate the behaviour of digitalisation and localisation in disaster contexts, considering the opinion of 62 Brazilian SC professionals. Through structural equation modelling, the results indicate that there is a negative impact of disasters on the supply chains and that digitalisation and localisation have a moderating effect on the relationship between the main constructs.