Defesa de Mestrado: The Electric Time-Dependent Capacitated Arc Routing Problem

Bancas ago 16, 2023


Orientador: Rafael Martinelli Pinto

Data e Hora: 21/10/2022, 10 h

Link Zoom Meeting:


With energy and environmental issues rising, electric vehicles (EVs) will become an essential mode of transportation in logistics distribution. A vital scenario to consider is the dependence of traffic congestion on vehicle travel times, as it is common in urban areas today. This feature means that the speed of an EV on each route may be distinct during different periods. Because EVs have a limited driving range, various works in the literature have proposed energy consumption models as a function of speed and aerodynamic factors. However, current vehicle routing algorithms often reformulate the road network into a complete graph where each edge represents the quickest path between two locations. The results obtained by this method differ from reality, particularly for Arc Routing Problems (ARP) involving services on the edges of a road network. For this reason, we define the Electric Vehicle Time-dependent Capacitated Arc Routing Problem (EV-TDCARP), with travel and service speed functions given directly at the network level. Over a planning horizon, each arc is associated with a piece-wise constant speed function. Based on this function, a vehicle’s speed can change while traveling on a given edge. The objective is to serve a set of edges that require services through a fleet of electric vehicles with limited load and battery capacity, minimizing the total travel time. Furthermore, the energy consumption rate per unit of time traveled is considered a non-linear function based on speed. It will propose a closed-form energy consumption preprocessing algorithm without approximations. It will implement into an Iterate Local Search (ILS) metaheuristic for EV-TDCARP and compare the impact on the design of routes between these alternative vehicles and conventional ones.