Defesa de Mestrado [15/02/2023 – 15:00]: Optimization of Battery Swapping Stations with Battery Heterogeneity, Charging Degradation and PV-Option

Bancas ago 16, 2023


Orientador: Rafael Martinelli Pinto e Bruno Fânzeres dos Santos

Data e Hora: 15/02/2023,  15h

Link / Sala: Virtual

Banca Examinadora: Rafael Martinelli Pinto – orientador – PUC-Rio; Bruno Fânzeres dos Santos – co-orientador – PUC-Rio; Rodrigo Flora Calili – PUC-Rio; Walton Pereira Coutinho – UFPE; Silvio Hamacher – PUC-Rio.


Greenhouse gas emissions-related issues have been extensively discussed in the past years, with over 70 countries already committed to a carbon-neutral economy by 2050. The electrification of transportation modals has increased following these goals, where Electric Vehicles (EVs) are starting to take Internal Combustion Engine Vehicles (ICEV) market share all over the globe. Besides the particular complexity in comparing EVs and ICEVs, challenges involving the nature of EVs and their integration with cities, such as the lack of public locals for charging, are also critical and interfere with their development. In this context, this work aims at studying the problem of a Battery Swapping Station (BSS), a structure where the EVs users swap their depleted batteries for fully or partially charged ones. In order to simulate the BSS daily operations and batteries charging schedule, a novel Mixed Integer Linear Programming (MILP) model is proposed, taking into account battery heterogeneity, the use of local photovoltaic (PV) production and battery degradation based on charging profile. A collection of BSS operation metrics are designed to evaluate the solution quality of the proposed scheduling model. A numerical experiment comprising four case studies based on real data from the US power and transportation systems is presented, with insights and analyses on the PV and grid power use, as well as a BSS financial comparison against close-related benchmark scheduling approaches, together with sensitivities on BSS sizing plan and costumers attendance.