Archive: 22 de setembro de 2023

Defesa Mestrado [17/10/2023 – 14:00h]: An Approach for Optimal Wind Farm Layout Design Accounting for Wake Effects and Contracting Strategies


Orientadores: Bruno Fânzeres dos Santos | PUC-Rio

Data e Hora: 17/10/2023,  14h

Link/ Sala:

Banca Examinadora: Bruno Fânzeres dos Santos – orientador – PUC-Rio; João Alberto Passos Filho – UFJF; Paula Medina Maçaira Louro – PUC-Rio; Alexandre Moreira da Silva –  Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory


Over the last decades, a significant movement towards reducing the dependence
of the energy supply chain on carbon-driven supplysources has been observed following
the desire to achieve a carbon-neutral economy in the near-term. To achieve
this goal, fosterrenewable-based sources into the power generation mix, in particular
wind power plants, is recognized as of high importance. Withinthe myriad of
challenges for this purpose, a critical one is to efficiently design the wind farms
layout taking into account the multiplephysical effects that impact the wind-topower
dynamics, in particular the so-called \textit{wake effect}, aiming at achieving
highproduction and economic efficiency. Therefore, in this work, we leverage on the
Gaussian-based wind-modeling analytical tool knownas the Bastankhah Wake Model
to construct a Wind Farm Layout Optimization (WFLO) problem. To illustrate the
applicability of theproposal, two numerical experiments as presented to uncover
the consequences of the wake effect in the overall power production of the farm.